Gratitudes III
alec vanderboom
Here are just a few of the things I'm grateful for.
- black jelly beans
- the rainbow of variety of dogs (as seen, say, by the hundreds in Prospect Park), the way nature persists in making her works of art with living beings, each mutt a one-off the likes of which will never exist again
- green heads of daffodils emerging from the cold mud
- the nice sheets on comfy beds offered with hospitality by dear friends
- chocolate Easter bunnies (shared by a child)
- a glass of pinot noir at the end of the day, with the newspaper
- hope, and its gorgeous persistence
- any day I don't have to pick either ticks or burrs off Nelly (or both)
- e-mail (I admit it)
- Netflix (ditto)
- the Magic 8 ball, when it tells me exactly what I want to hear
- mothers, the kind who still want to take care of you even though you're grown
- a new season
- karma--as exists in this lifetime, because that's enough
- nostalgia: it brings me back to places and people I then find I don't have to leave behind
- plastic eggs dotting a field, waiting for excited children to find