Panel: Listening to Place
I’m moderating a panel at the Woodstock Bookfest on place writing, featuring authors Alex Hannaford and Ben Ratliff.
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I’m moderating a panel at the Woodstock Bookfest on place writing, featuring authors Alex Hannaford and Ben Ratliff.
Along with Deirdre Day and Jana Martin of the Cardboard Box Collective
With Peter Jones and “Bad Editor”
With Peter Jones and “Bad Editor”
I’ll be at the Moto Guzzi National Rally to celebrate the 100th year of this incredible marque! I’ll have copies of “Motorcycles Are Magic: An Anthology” for sale. Join the fun!
Cheshire Fairgrounds, 247 Monadnock Highway, Swanzey, New Hampshire 03446
Hey, come hang out, meet the Brooklyn-based riding community, and snag a copy of “Motorcycles Are Magic: An Anthology” or “The Man Who Would Stop at Nothing.”
42 Dobbin Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222
Panel Moderator, “New Forms for Personal Stories,” with Akiko Busch and James Lasdun
Saturday, March 30, 11:30 a.m.
Kleinert/James Center for the Arts, 36 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY
Writers in the Mountains Spring Literary Salon: “Random Context”
Saturday, March 16, 2019, 3 - 5 p.m.
Union Grove Distillery, Arkville, New York